Not long ago, I came home from a good photo safari and sent one of my favorite images to a friend for her to see. She really likes dragonflies, ya know.
I sent it to her with the comment, “First Western Pondhawk male.” The reply I got was “It sure looks like a Blue Dasher. You sure it isn’t one?”
At that point I was sure I had photographed a Western Pondhawk and not a Blue Dasher. But I’ve been wrong before, so I double-checked my fact and you know what?
It was a Blue Dasher! Thank you, Misty for pointing out my mistake 8v)
So, may I present the Western Pon….errr…Blue Dasher. 8v) I do like this photo.
Oh…and if you’re wondering why I determined it wasn’t a Western Pondhawk, just look at the face. A Blue Dasher’s face is white, while a Western Pondhawk’s face is greenish.
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