Saturday, July 10, 2010

Camera Critter #118

I've mentioned before that this year I have had a nice variety of new birds stop by my Apple Tree and enjoy the snacks I have out there for them.

Well, once again, I have another bird. It isn't the first time I have seen one, and not even the first time I have seen one in my Apple Tree. But it is the first time I have gotten a good photo of one.

So, enjoy the Pine Siskin.

Misty Dawn's Camera Critter Meme is a great way to see critter the world over. Go to the homepage here and check out more entries. Then join the fun and add your own.


eileeninmd said...

Nice shot of the cute Pine Siskin!

Snap said...

What a treat! He's a cutie!

We love Luna said...

I agree with Snap, he is really cute!
Wonderful picture!
purrs and love
Luna - We love Luna

ksdoolittle said...

How come he's all puffed up? Did he just finish taking a bath? He's a cutie! I only had one this year. Stayed long enough to grab a snack and have his picture taken, then was off to parts unknown. ~karen

Joanne Olivieri said...

He is so cute and love the feathered details. It's so difficult to capture birds on camera but this is a great shot.

Dave said...

A lovely bird very well caught on camera. I like the composition of the photo, plenty of habitat detail but nothing that distracts from the focus of the shot well done.

Misty DawnS said...

Bool image! Looks like you got its feathers all ruffled. hehehe