A little more than 10 years, I moved from Prineville to Redmond, Oregon. The house we moved into was a nice place. Close to my sister, which made my mom happy, and best of all, it was buried deep into the Juniper forest area just west of town.
Because of our location, we had a lot of critters hanging around. After a couple of months, my mom and I had named at least a dozen deer who frequent visitors to our house area. It didn’t take me long to start putting out feed for them. The deer became so accustomed to us, that when we walked the 500 feet or so to the mailbox, they’d wouldn’t even move even though we walked within five feet of them.
I realize the images above aren’t up to my quality standard, but in my defense, I had just gotten one of those Sony cameras which saved the images to a floppy disk. I was state-of-the-art at the time. 8v)
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