Spring is a great time of the year for birds. I have seen more 'new' birds in my yard this year, than I have in the past five years.
Last Sunday, I was returning from my morning breakfast treat, when I heard a strange sound in a nearby tree. I looked towards the sound and from a distance, thought I was looking at a Baltimore Oriole.
So, once again, I run into the house, grab my camera and lift it to my eye. Alas, it wasn't a Baltimore Oriole (which would have been a very rare bird for this area), but a bird I had never seen before...a Black-headed Grosbeak.
I have been with other people who have seen one, but each time they call out the bird, by the time I turn to see it, the bird has flown and I missed my chance to add this species to my life list.
But it is on the list now. 8v)
One thing about this bird...its bill has either been injured or a disease affected it. It is not the normal bill of the Black-headed Grosbeak.
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