As I looked around and admired how deeply blue the sky was, I caught sight of something flying about 1,000 feet above me. I raised the camera, zoomed in and saw, for the first time from my backyard, a Bald Eagle also enjoying the day.
After watching the eagle float out of sight to the north, I continued looking around, soaking up the rays of the warming sun and tossing toys for Sammi to chase.
After about 10 minutes, I caught sight of something else flying around above me. This time it was lower…at about 500 feet.
Again, I raised the camera, zoomed in and smiled as I snapped my first image of a Cooper’s Hawk. Not only was it the first image I got of something from that species, but it was also the first sighting I have had of one in Oregon.
The Cooper’s Hawk circled around several times and then headed eastwards.
I sat out in the sun for about an hour more and didn’t see anything else. With Sammi asleep on my lap, I rose from the chair, put Sammi inside and went on a safari around town.
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