Saturday, November 24, 2012

Camera Critters #242

They are gross and disgusting and most people kill them on sight.


They are slugs…a Limax maximus to be specific.


This slug is common in the Pacific Northwest and from the number of them found in the flower garden in my back yard, common isn’t the word to describe these unwanted critters.  I found this particular slug crossing the walkway here on Nov. 18.  After all the cold weather we have had here, I was surprised it was still crawling around.


However, they are critters and after all, this is Camera Critters.  Smile




Misty Dawn’s Camera Critter Meme is a great way see critters the world over. Go to the homepage here to see more. Then join the fun and add your own.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Camera Critters #241

Well, the time has come to sit back and look forward to coming spring (assuming of course, that we survive the Mayan Calendar end of the world prophecy) in the northern parts of the world. 

The insects we all enjoy, such as butterflies and dragonflies are hard to find if they are still around.  Other insects are also waiting for the coming spring weather in order to make their “buggy” appearance again. 

But the memories of the smaller critters remain in the form of photographs taken throughout the year.


Misty Dawn’s Camera Critter Meme is a great way see critters the world over. Go to the homepage here to see more. Then join the fun and add your own.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Camera Critters #240

The Belted Kingfisher has always been a difficult subject for me.  Since I don’t shoot from behind a blind, and the kingfishers is a skittish bird, it is hard to get close for a good photo.

Recently, I was at Fireman’s Pond in Redmond, Oregon, when I noticed a bird hovering on the other side of the pond.  I knew immediately what it was and began heading towards it.

As I got closer, the kingfisher turned and flew across the pond and landed on some wires along the far shore.  Again, I began trekking towards the kingfisher.  As I got about 100 feet or so away, he took to his wings and flew to the other side of the pond, landing in a tree.

And again, I began walking towards it…only to have it flush to the opposite side of the water.

As I stood there cussing out the bird, and trying to figure out how I can get a good shot of it, I developed a plan of action.  I would use the brush along the shoreline as cover and stealthily approach the bird in order to get a good shot.

It didn’t work…he saw me when I was a little more than 100 feet and off he flew.  But this time, he turned and began hovering.  Moments later he dove (I couldn’t see the end result of the dive due to the brush I was still hiding in).   Then he rose back into the air with a small fish in his bill. 

Landing on a power pole about 150 feet, the kingfisher began to enjoy his meal.

I wasn’t able to get close for good photos, but my camera does allow me to crop rather tightly and still produce a decent image for my post. 





Misty Dawn’s Camera Critter Meme is a great way see critters the world over. Go to the homepage here to see more. Then join the fun and add your own.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Camera Critters #239

Although not a rare bird in this area, they are birds I don’t often see.


However, while up in the mountains a couple of weeks ago, I found several American White Pelicans hanging out at Sheep Bridge in central Oregon.




Misty Dawn’s Camera Critter Meme is a great way see critters the world over. Go to the homepage here to see more. Then join the fun and add your own.