The past year has been a good one for swallowtails in my yard. Late last year, I captured images of an Oregon Old World Swallowtail (see my
CCM #56 post) visiting one of the many flower in the backyard. A couple of months ago, I was able to get images of a Twin-tailed Swallowtail. Both of those shots were lucky ones, as I had the camera in hand when they arrived. But I have also had a lot of missed opportunities. By the time I see them and get my camera, they are gone.
Then, a couple of days ago, I was walking through the backyard, when another swallowtail flew past me and landed on a nearby flower. I ran back to my apartment to get my camera and by the time I returned, the butterfly had moved to the Apple Tree. I was able to get a couple of shots off before it took to the wind and disappeared off in the distance. After checking the photo on the computer, I realized I had taken a photo of a Western Tiger first one. Since getting this photo, I've been hoping to see it return so I can improve on the photo with a wings open shot.
Western Tiger SwallowtailThen Thursday, I was sitting on the bench under the Apple Tree enjoying my morning cup of coffee when I noticed a large, yellow butterfly heading my way. I grabbed my camera, which I had brought out with me just in case, and headed towards the bug. It then landed five feet from me on a flowering plant and opened its wings for a perfect image. Thinking it was the same critter as I photographed in the Apple Tree a couple of days earlier, I went back to the computer, uploaded the shots and discovered I had once again photographed, not the Western Tiger Swallowtail I was hoping for, but yet another Twin-tailed Swallowtail.
Twin-tailed Swallowtail
It's is still a good butterfly image, but not the wings open shot of the Western Tiger Swallowtail I was hoping for.
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