Saturday, January 28, 2012

Camera Critters #199

A little more than a year ago, I walked out my door to take Lacy for a walk.  As I did, I noticed some movement in the tree next door.

Grabbing my camera, I followed this Downy Woodpecker as he moved up and down the tree.


Misty Dawn’s Camera Critter Meme is a great way see critters the world over. Go to the homepage here to see more. Then join the fun and add your own.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Camera Critters #198

A couple of weeks ago, I was in the middle of taking care of my landlord’s puppy while she was away for the holidays.

I didn’t mind taking care of Sammi…she’s fun and really likes me.

However, during her stay with me, she turned from a puppy, to young woman, a bit of a mess I wasn’t prepared for. However, that has since been taken care of (the mess, not the womanhood) and Sammi is happily messing my landlord’s place.


One thing I noticed about Sammi…she doesn’t like the camera flash.

Misty Dawn’s Camera Critter Meme is a great way see critters the world over. Go to the homepage here to see more. Then join the fun and add your own.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Camera Critter #197

I always like to see new birds in my yard…or my neighbor’s yard.  Last winter was a good year for new birds.  We had numerous Varied Thrushes and at one point, you could see seven different birds in varied places around the house.

One day while attempting to get images of the thrushes, I noticed a non-thrush in the tree next door.  Looking through my camera, I saw a new yard bird…an Evening Grosbeak.


Misty Dawn’s Camera Critter Meme is a great way see critters the world over. Go to the homepage here to see more. Then join the fun and add your own.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Camera Critters #196

Several years ago, I was walking off trail, along the east wall of the dry canyon near me.  My eyes caught sight of a Sara Orangetip butterfly.  I had been chasing them for two years, and was hoping this was my opportunity to get an image of one.

But as I approached the Lepidoptera, my attention was drawn to a butterfly I had never seen.  I immediately switched gears and turned my attention to this new bug.

Later, I was able to identify the critter as a Zephyr Anglewing.  And so began a quest which continues to this day…photographing as many anglewings as possible.

In the photos below, the first image shows the butterfly with wings closed, the second partially opened and the rest full open.  Note the variations of markings in the critters.


Polygonia satyrus neomarsyas - Satyr Anglewing





For those who have followed my posts from the beginning, you might have seen these images before.  But the butterfly is beautiful, it deserves to be seen again.

Misty Dawn’s Camera Critter Meme is a great way see critters the world over. Go to the homepage here to see more. Then join the fun and add your own.