Saturday, March 26, 2011

Camera Critters #155

When I settled in central Oregon, I didn’t think I would miss squirrels…but I do.  I never saw one when I lived in Prineville. 

When I moved to Redmond, once again, no squirrels.

Then one morning after I sat down at my computer, out of the corner of my eye, I noticed movement at a seed bell I hung in a tree right outside my window.  For a moment, my thought was, “What’s he doing here?”

Then I stopped asking questions, grabbed the camera and began shooting.  At that time, my camera was a Sony Mavica FD-90, which saved images to floppy disks.  I fired a few, then sat and watched as the Western Gray Squirrel made a meal of the seeds in the bell.



Western Gray Squirrels are found primarily along the coastal areas, but are also associated with the Ponderosa Pines on the east side of the Cascades where I live.  But there are no Ponderosa Pines near my house…only Juniper Trees.

The squirrel continued hanging out in the area for most of the year.  During the summer, I would toss unshelled peanuts out for it, which it would quickly grab and bury in the loose soil.  Unfortunately, a Western Scrub Jay also hung around for the peanut fest and as the squirrel buried a peanut, the jay would remove it, and rebury it somewhere else.

I guess the Gray Squirrel got tired of the game and took off for parts unknown.  I never saw him again.

Misty Dawn’s Camera Critter Meme is a great way see critters the world over. Go to the homepage here to see more. Then join the fun and add your own.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Camera Critters #154

By this time in past years, I would be out trying to get nice images of various critters in the central Oregon area.

However, as I type this (Friday evening), the ground is covered with the wintry white stuff and it’s still falling.

I don’t mind, but sure wish it would warm up so I can go after the critters.

In those past years, I have gotten several photos that I really like.  The image below is one I have submitted to a number of photo contests with no result.  I guess few people see the humor I see in it.


This Soldier Beetle, which I found at Lake Billy Chinook, north of me, spent several minute ‘playing’ around on the end of the twig.  I stood there watching and sometimes firing off images as he continued his antics.

When I looked at my images at home, this particular image caused me to burst out laughing.

Misty Dawn’s Camera Critter Meme is a great way see critters the world over. Go to the homepage here to see more. Then join the fun and add your own.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Camera Critters #152

Sometime around the middle part of last year, construction of a leash free dog park began in Redmond, Oregon.  At first, I didn’t pay much attention to the park.  But now it is a regular activity for Lacy and me.


The above image is from the far north end of the park looking south.


Above, is the view from the entry gates seen on the right side in the distance of the first photo.

As can be seen, the park is fenced in.  There are actually two parks.  A large dog section and a small dog section.

When I first took Lacy to the park, I was concerned with how she would react with the other dogs…and the people.  She has had some difficult times in the past, but she took to the park well.


As can be seen in the image above, she is a happy puppy when at the park.  Generally, when we are the only ones there, she will run and explore and forget I am around.  However, if any other dogs arrive, she rarely gets more than 25 or so feet away from me.

But lately, she has been making friends.


Lacy (on the left) has begun to play with other dogs…but only briefly.  I’m sure that will improve over time.  And like people, she has met some dogs she enjoys being around, and some dogs she doesn’t like being near.

Lacy enjoys the park so much these days, that she wants to go every day.  At the house, when she nudges my arm with her nose and I ask her what she wants, she walks to my closet and begins tugging on the jeans I wear when I take her there.

Besides, I enjoy taking her there just as much as she enjoys going there.  The exercise does me good…I hope  8v)

Misty Dawn’s Camera Critter Meme is a great way see critters the world over. Go to the homepage here to see more. Then join the fun and add your own.